Monday, January 28, 2013

Montessori Family Evening

A Montessori Family Evening is a very special event at The Earth School.  Every first Thursday of the month, children come to school in the evening with their families and special guests such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, and visitors.  During this event an area of the Montessori curriculum is presented by the teachers and the most important part is when the children get to present to their families about the work they have been doing at school.  It is amazing to see the confidence, detail, and excitement with which they present their work.  They are so proud of their accomplishments that they can't wait to share them with their loved ones!

Cultural Celebrations and Talent Show

Creativity, love, appreciation, curiosity, great imagination, and teamwork were all present during the months of October, November and December.  Elementary students created their very own Talent Show!  Very independently they organized the activity, practiced diligently, and made a wonderful presentation to the younger students in the Primary groups.  They also learned about cultural celebrations from around the world such as  Diwali, Thanksgiving, Santa Lucia, Hannukah, and Christmas.  We applaud parents involvement in these activities that enrich our students learning experience.  Thank you, thank you so much for making these celebrations so meaningful to our children and for sharing a piece of your country with us!

First Week of School - September 2012

September 5, 2012 marked the day when many new families joined our school.  They came from different parts of the world and our returning students and parents made sure they felt welcome and appreciated.  Our first week of school was filled with many different activities such as making time capsules, reading stories from our Peace and Character Building program, and giving thanks for a child's life through the Montessori birthday celebration, just to mention some.  

A new beginning, a new school year has just started and a sense of community is already developing.  A vibrant learning community represented by so many different cultures, languages, interests, and experiences.  What an awesome opportunity it is to guide our students in the discovery of themselves and the world around them.  Welcome all to your school, The Earth School!

Summer Camp - Cooking Week

Most children enjoy activities where they can experience with tools and materials normally used by adults.  They see their parents driving a car and they dream of the day when they can do it too.  Luckily, there are some activities they can enjoy at a young age such as cooking!  Cooking gives them the opportunity to use "grown-up" tools and also integrates their creativity and helps them develop their finger muscles in preparation for writing as well.  In addition, they learn about measuring and sharing.  Cooking week was so much fun!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

End of School Year Celebration - June 2012

A time to celebrate!

On Friday, June 15th. we proudly celebrated the end of our first school year.  It was a very special event that included a tribute to all the wonderful fathers as celebration of Fathers' Day approached.  Students graduating from Kindergarten received their Kindergarten Diplomas and all other students received their Montessori Certificates of Promotion.

It was a time to celebrate our students' achievements during the school year.  They all worked diligently and their academic accomplishments are visible.  More importantly, this year was a time for our students to develop strong friendships and a definite love of learning.  For both, parents and staff, it was also very rewarding to realize how much the students have developed socially and emotionally.

At The Earth School, we believe that our main role as teachers is to support our students in their individual journey of becoming not only independent students, but also individuals with a strong sense of respect and appreciation for themselves, others, and the world around them.  The results speak for themselves.  We are grateful for this opportunity and very excited to celebrate a job well done!

Songs, a play, and a fashion show with beautiful creations made out of recycled materials, took place in a gorgeous natural stage as part of the event.  Thank you to all the families for their continued support and to our wonderful staff for a very successful year!

Mother's Day Celebration - May 2012

A special tribute to a group of beautiful moms!

Mother's Day was the perfect opportunity to say Thank You to the wonderful group of moms that are part of our school.  Thank you for everything they do for their children and thank you for all they do for the school.  Always willing to volunteer and help with anything their children need.  No matter how busy they might be, they manage to make time to be there for them.

We greatly appreciate your enthusiasm and participation.  We wouldn't be the great school we are without involved families like yours!

Flowers, hugs, great food, songs, and lots of love were all part of this special celebration.

Earth Week - April 2012

Awakening a sense of respect, gratitude, and appreciation for nature!

Instilling in our students a sense of respect and appreciation for nature is at the heart of The Earth School's values.  Earth Week was a wonderful opportunity for our students to put in practice everything they had been learning about recycling, reducing, reusing, planting, and other ways to take care of our planet.

Our students planted fruits, vegetables, and flowering plants and wrote beautiful Thank You letters to the Earth as part of their creative writing class.  A colorful Thank You Earth mural was also part of the activities of the younger children, as well as clay creations.  Cutting and gluing images of what they are thankful for gave them the opportunity to further develop their fine motor skills, while expressing gratitude for everything they have.